Wood carving signboard is one of traditional and unique artworks we providing.Usually we received client's texts for the Chinese calligraphy that done by us, and our wood carving carving artist will produce the final artwork.
We are Chinese Calligrapher & Rainbow Calligrapher, we provide related art services, seal carving, Chinese painting, fortune telling and etc in Chinatown Singapore.
For more information can contact us at
+65 9683 7783(Angela Yip)
+65 9734 6198(Dorby Yip)
Fax: +65 6777 8303
Address:#49 Pagoda St.(Chinatown)
特に风水学にも精通したイツフ゜氏か,名前なと゛を风水上の缘起のよいとされている绘柄を织り交せ゛美しく描き出す“风水花文字” は、“书いてもらうと运气か゛上昇する”と各国著名人の中にもフアンか゛多い、イツフ゜氏の最も得意とする分野て゛す。
现在イツフ゜氏たシンカ゛ホ゜一ルを拠点に活动を続けおられ、JTB, Chinatownオ一チヤ一ト゛ラウシンて゛も美しく、缘起のよいツフ゜氏の作品をお申し込みいたた゛けます。